Wednesday, November 21, 2007

live together, ever after!

A girl rode on a white wolf and walked in the forest; the moonlight blurred her beautiful face in a silver aura. The kodamas around her way were all shaking their heads and making voice “kata kata’ like a chorus spread across the forest. The girl came closer and closer, her mouth moved smoothly and said: “Ashitaka, you mean so much to me.”

Ashitaka stood beside an old tree with his best friend Yakul, he hugged the girl with his arms and said: “I'll always be around. Yakul and I will come and visit you...” The golden light came through the cloud which replaced the silver moonlight; both of them were bathed in it and hugged even tighter, Ashitaka fell a little bit itchy when the wind was blowing San’s hair and whisking his nose. Everything was beautiful and tender to him, the warm golden light; San’s smiling face, soft skin and the chorus of the kodamas.

Suddenly, the cloud moved and covered the light, the whole world fell into darkness and cold. A blade’s sharp light blinked and stabbed straight to Ashitaka’s back. He pushed San away and held her wrist in order to stop her, then asked: “Why do you want to hurt me, San?”

“Because I can't forgive human for what they've done. They killed Moro and destroyed the forest.” The hate and suffering were shown in her eyes which fought with the love emotionally. Then she threw the knife to Ashitaka’s face, turned around, disappeared into the darkness.

Ashitaka warded off the knife and yelled: “San, come back, please don’t leave me, I love you so much!”

The cold water pours on Ashitaka’s face which woke him up. He jumps up and looks around, there is no forest around, instead the greenery covered the mountain and some tiny wild flowers bloomed on the ground with light colours. Yakul stands several yards away and concentrates on eating grasses. Monk Jikobou stands in front of Ashitaka with his weird smiling face and holds an empty ugly bowl in his hand. Now Ashitaka realises where the cold water came from.

“Um, what a romantic prince of last Emishi is there. Is it good with your daydream?” His incisor hole makes the sound weird; his red nose shakes following the mouth’s movement.

Ashitaka reels off his sword and points to Jikobou’s forehead, speaks with cut-throat voice: “How, How did you know that? Tell me who told you that? You’d better answer this question truly; otherwise I don’t mind to blood my sword.”

Jikobou picks his smile back and look at the sword with a strange face expression. Then he kneels down himself on the ground and begins to speaking in a smooth melody: “Prince of last Emishi, I am your servant who is always with the ageless strength named Jikobou, during 500 years my master and I travelled from east to west, crossed mountains and rivers in order to find the last Royal blood. And then I met you – the last prince of the Royal Emishi. Please forgive me for what I did before which may upset you and your friends. Please forgive the mistake which was made by the faithful follower of the Emishi relive fellowship.”

“What the hell are you talking about? And who are you?” Ashitaka draws his arm back and puts the sword into the sheath and looks at Jikobou with a wondering expression.

Jikobou slowly raises his head up and looks at Ashitaka’s eyes with sorrow, and then he raises his right hand up to Ashitaka and opens his palm. A light suddenly shines like a ray which blinds Ashitaka’s eyes; he closes his eyes and then opens them again to see what exactly it is? It is a purple blue crystal dagger necklace.

Ashitaka suddenly feels all the blood pumped up to his head and heart begins beating as fast as it could.

“What did you do to San? Where is she?” He feels his sound was shivering, he is afraid of that the answer will break his heart into pieces.

“Don’t worry, your highness, she is fine, I just picked it at that trouble night when night walker destroyed everything. However, I didn’t return it to her and carried it to compare with my master’s note because I had some question about it. Actually, I’ve seen it in that note before.” Jikobou speaks with a very respective voice.

Ashitaka stops for a while and uses his finger pointing to Jikobou’s red mud nose: “How can I trust you, who do you think you are. All the mess were because of you”.

“Yes, I know that. That’s why I came back. Listen, I am the last Emishi wizard with the ageless strength. I know I did something really bad. But it was because I had an agreement with empire headmaster. That is I would kill the Spirit of the forest, and the headmaster will help me to find the last Emishi tribe and treat them respectively.” Jikobou keeps facing the ground when he is speaking to him.

Ashitaka notices something slipped cross his face and dropped into the grass. They are tears; it made his face looked more ridiculous instead of sorrow.

“I was really tired to seek for your people, after my master died, I spent 20 years travelled everywhere of the country. Finally, the headmaster found me, so I think that his power may help me to find your highness more easily.” Jikobou turns up his face to Ashitaka.

“Also, have you seen something unusual recently? The power of the forest spirit is withering away. I know that was my fault. However, I am coming to remedy it. We don’ have too much time, we have be quick to transform his power to the new god. Otherwise, both you and he will die forever.” Jikobou hands the dagger to Ashitaka when he is talking.

Ashitaka leave his hand off the sword and move to the dagger, however before his finer reached it, there is a high pitched wolf’s crying passed from the area of the old forest location.

“That’s San’s wolf brother, something must be happened badly to him. I need to go …yakul, come here…” Ashitaka quickly grabbed the dagger from Jikobou’s hand and jump on Yakul’s back and ride him to the forest.

Jikobou watched the view of their back for a while with a strange smile, suddenly, he fell on the ground and his body gradually become invisible, before his body disappearing completely, a suspiration voiced by his mouth: “ master, I finally made it, I am glad to see you soon…”

Eighteen years latter:

A girl lies on a big flat stone against an old grey wolf; watched two boys fighting by swords near the stone. The blue sky looks like a very bright diamond and the sunshine shoot through the apertures of the tree leaves. The girl turned her face away from the fighting boys and talk to the wolf: “Dear uncle, who do you think will win todays accompany with me, I wish Kati will be the one, because I am sick of Tokiza. He has a same big mouth like his father Gonza, but always like a cowardly mouse in front of his mum. I like Kati, however, I don’t want to marry with a human.”

The wolf opens his eyes slowly and turn his head to the girl, his pawn slowly move to the girl’s neck and nods his head several times. The young girl pull a leather line out of her clothe, there is a crystal dagger pull on the line.

“You mean let the dagger choose my future?” the girl put the necklace back into her clothe carefully and suspires.

“Uncle, I don’t think that I can find a same guy like my dad who loves me so much, even sacrifice himself to sprits. I know the dagger has the magic power to choose the future for my family. And it also finally transferred my parents into forest sprits so they can live together ever after. However, I did not see any sign of my future.” The girl stands up and give a finally sign to those two boys while they are still fighting furiously.

“Let’s leave those two silly fighters, how about we go to visit Hii Sama’s , she is a very good witch, do you know she told me secretly that I am going to have a younger brother soon. He will be the new wild boar god of forest. That’s interesting, my father Ashitaka is the deer god, and my mother San is the wolf god. So what I am?”

“You are our princess Mono, dear” the wolf gets up and shakes the leaves off his fur, then jumps off the stone and digs the ground by his pawn. However, he suddenly stopped and run into the forest without any sign. Meanwhile, a crying of wolf through the forest to here, boys stop fight and both look back to Mono. She closes her eyes and looks like she is listening to it. Then she opens her eyes and speaks very excited.

“My brother is just born, come on, let’s go home quickly.” She jumped down to the ground and runs with those boys into the same way which the wolf did.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Otak of the earthsea by Maho

Chapter one Emerald eyes

It is dark. It is raining. The thunder was lightening. The sky was dark gray. A huge forest is in silence. The animals and the beasts are all at their nests. All of sudden, a big leaf of a tree moved and there is a little beast, smaller than a cat, looked up the sky. It has a broad face with dark brown hair. His bright dark eyes blinked. He jumped off from the tree, and began to run. Then, there was a wolf, glaring at the tiny beast, coming after him. The little beast run and run, to get away from the vicious beast. Their chase continued and the wolf jumped over his target. Both of them stopped. The wolf growled and his target shrank back. When the wolf almost made his move, he noticed that the eyes of the little beast began to shine. It was a color of emerald. A clap of thunder broke above them. Then, the rain stopped. There were no sounds. The little beast blinked with his dark eyes. The wolf was nowhere to be seen. He climbed up to the top of the tree, and sat on a thick branch. The clouds faded away and there was a full moon. The little beast looked up at the huge moon for a long time. A color of emerald shone in the bottom of his dark eyes. He sat there for a while and went down from the tree. He looked around the quiet forest. Rabbits appeared from behind the tree. They saw him and paused by fear, but the little brown beast didn’t show any interests in them. He looked at the dark forest by his pure dark eyes. He began to run, and disappeared into the darkness.

Chapter two Threads

There is an isolated island of Roke. It is a small island with beautiful plants and trees. People had peaceful lives. There were ordinary people, such as fishermen, bakeries at potters who are all hard workers. However, from the view of a huge tall building with big chimney on the hill, it was obvious that it is not only an ordinary island. The building is a Warder of the school on Roke. It is a school for wizards. People often see and hear things such as dark clouds, thunders and rainbow within the school property, imagining pictures of future well known wizards. People had respects and also fear towards sorcerers. Therefore, no one had tried to get close to it.

A fisherman who was putting his fishes on the display saw a boat that is coming close to the port. There was a young boy with dark hair and dark eyes on it. From the moment he saw the boy, he knew that, the boy is not an ordinary creature at all. The boy landed on the port and looked around. Eventually, he noticed the huge building with chimney on. “That’s where you are heading, young boy”. The boy turned around and stared at him. “How do you know that, Sir?” The fisherman answered without stopping his hands. “I just know it. Just keep going until you see the huge entrance to the forest. Then you’ll know which direction you have to take” The boy answered politely. “Thank you, sir”. When the fisherman stopped his hands and turn back, he couldn’t even see the back of the young boy.

There were tow more eyes, who witnessed the arrival of the young sorcerer. From the long way from the port, on the top of the hill, there was one small creature, who survived the attack of the wolf on the night before. He has a sleek dark brown hair with big long ears and fluffy tail. The tiny beast is called Otak. They are extremely rare creatures, which live only in small area of the South, Wathrot. In despite of their prettiness, they are known to be savage. The Otak followed movements of the young boy. Although it was impossible to catch a glimpse of someone from such great distance, Otak stared at the young wizard. Then again, there were small, mysterious emerald shines in deep inside of his eyes. He kept observing the wizard for a while, and then the shine in his eyes disappeared. He began to run down the hill.
Chapter Three Closer to the other

The day turned into the night. The town was dark and quite. The school of wizards is looking down the dark town. The tiny beast, Otak jumped out from nowhere, and sat in front of the huge wood door. The door swung open and there was a extremely tall old guy with white hair and white beard. He looked at the Otak. Although he was quite surprised by this unexpected tiny guest, he laughed. ‘’Well well, hello Otak! This is an entrance for the school for wizards and I am a doorkeeper. Enter if you can’’. The Otak looked back at him with its dark eyes. As the doorkeeper keeps his eyes on Otak, he noticed bright emerald shines in eyes of the little beast. The doorkeeper smiled softly at the Otak. ‘’Now, you can come in, can’t you?’’ The Otak quietly entered into the school property. He looked up at the doorkeeper with his dark eyes as to say ‘’Thank you’’. The doorkeeper grinned at him. ‘’Once you enter, it’s up to you where to go.’’ He raised his hand to indicate an alley. The Otak began to walk towards the school building. The doorkeeper looked at the tiny back of the little beast and whispered to himself. ‘’I’ve seen bunch of Otaks before, but that one…his power…’’. Then he closed the huge wood door. 924 words

Chapter four United souls

The Otak went on and on the endless corridors. He saw few wizards chatting with each other, reading sorcery book and sometimes, sleeping quietly on their beds. All of sudden, he stopped. There was one room with the door closed at the corner of the dark corridor. The Otak stared at the door with his dark eyes. He couldn’t hear any sounds from the room. He pushed open the heavy door with his tiny foot and entered. It was a small room with a one bed, a one desk and a one book shelf. They all looked quite old for the small beast. He smelled the furniture and jumped up on the bed. There was a black cloak. As he smelled it, his eyes turned into an emerald color once again. He stared at it for a little while and jumped up by the window. The soft moon light shone down on the tiny beast. He looked at the moon that has wane a little. He curled up and put his small head on his thick fluffy tale. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He woke up by the sound of the door opened. He opened his eyes and his eyes turned to an emerald color. Now, there is a one young boy in the room. It seemed like he didn’t see the Otak. He sat down on the bed and signed. “I wonder what it would be..” The Otak stared at the young boy. He has dark hair and dark eyes. The exact the same boy that the little Otak saw from the hill. The boy lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Then, he looked at the window and jumped out from the bed. The little beast knew that the boy saw him. The young wizard stared back at him with confused expression on his face. “What are you? A rat?” The Otak stood up and stared back at the boy. They stared at each other for long and the boy spoke. “I think I know you. Aren’t you…Otak?” Otak jumped down on the bed from where he was curling up. He took few steps to get closer to the boy. He looked at the boy with his dark eyes. The boy quietly put his hand and stroked the tiny beast. “Although I’ve heard that you are quite vicious thing, you are….quiet and gentle.” He sat down next to the Otak. “My name is Ged. But I call myself Sparrow Hawk to the others. Do you want to come with me?” He put his arm at the little beast. The Otak quietly climbed up at the shoulder of the boy. His eyes turned into an emerald color for few seconds. Ged laughed. “You are so light! I don’t know where you come from, but now I know it would not to be a big problem for me to carry you. Now, I have to give you a name. People say giving names are very essential for living creatures. You know that? It gives you an identity. Now, I shall give you a name….Roke! Hoe does it sound?” The Otak nestled against Ged as if to say that he likes his name. Ged smiled at Roke. “Well, seems like you quite like it”

Chapter five Sharing the secret

It seemed like more time they spend together, more they get close to each other. Although, Ged used to worry that his little beast might not come back to him when he jumped off from his shoulder to chase insects or rats, he now knows that Roke always comes back to jump up on his shoulder. He fed his little pet leftover from his meal, but it seems like Roke can provide foods by himself. It has also become their habit that, while Ged practices his sorcery, the little beast quietly sits on the huge rock and watches over his owner becoming more powerful.

There was a bright sun burning down on the cold land of Roke. Ged was struggling to shift one rock from one place to another. He tried and tried. When he saw the rock sitting in the same place, he sighed and sat down on the ground. Otak looked at him. “I can’t do it. It’s too hard. I’m tired”. Ged weakly smiled at him and lie down. Roke stared at the young sorcerer and jumped off from the rock. He sniffed the other rock, which Ged tried to shift one place to another. Ged closed his eyes to rest, then he woke up by the feeling of sorcery. Someone has used it. He woke up and saw the rock, which was moved about 10m away from where it was placed. Ged froze by surprise. “What had happened…?” He walked to the rock and grabbed it. His dark eyes stared at it then moved to his little pet. Roke was curled up on the ground and stared back at him. “No way…You didn’t just…” Ged put the rock next to the little head of Roke. “What had happened, Roke? Who moved the rock?” Roke kept staring back at him with its huge dark eyes. “Have you lost your mind, Sparrow Hawk? Talking to a beast?” Both Ged and Roke rose their heads. There was a other young wizard, Vetch grinning at them. He was a tall young man with dark blue eyes. He is one of these guys who can do things better than the others without trying hard at all. So many wizards of the school hated his guts including Ged. Ged glared at Vetch. “What are you taking about, Vetch?” Vetch laughed quietly. “Like you didn’t hear me, Spparow Hawk. Weren’t you just talking to your rat?” Ged answered. “He is not a rat. He is an Otak. Knowing you, I expected better than that, Vetch”. Vetch grinned at Roke. “My deepest apology, Otak”. Otak himself seemed like he didn’t care what this man says. “Anyway, keep going, Sparrow Hawk. I shall not interrupt you”. Then the rock that was in Ged’s hand shifted its place on the ground. Vetch laughed and left. “He is so irritating, Roke” Ged signed and sat next to his little pet. “It doesn’t make sense….” Then he stood up and picked Roke up from the ground. “Let’s try again”. He put the rock on the ground once again and picked Roke up. He uttered the spell and the rock shifted its place. Young sorcerer looked at the rock and his eyes shifted back to the little beast. “You helped me this time, haven’t you, Roke? You used sorcery. Show me what you can. Show your Master your strength” He put Roke on the ground. “Show it to me, Roke”. Roke curled up on the ground, but he was still looking at Ged. Ged smiled at him. “Show it to me. You know I shall not tell anyone about this. Your secret is safe with me”. Roke quietly stood up and as Ged watches him, his huge dark eyes turned into emerald color. Then the rock moved to a shoulder of Ged. Ged laughed and grabbed rock and Roke. “What a surprise!! My Roke! I shall not to tell anyone. You can trust me on this!” Then he put his hand in front of the tiny beast. “It’s our promise”. Roke looked at Ged’s hand and put his tiny foot on his. Ged smiled at him. “We shall not break this promise until our lives end”.

Chapter six Dark clouds

There was a beautiful full moon on the dark sky. After practicing few more sorceries, Ged and his little beast came back to his room. It was chilly and they shivered. Ged took off his clove and went into the bed. Roke jumped up on the window side. Ged smiled at his pet. “Come on. It’s quite shivering tonight. Why don’t you come in?” The little beast quietly jumped up on the bed from where he was sitting and curled up besides the young wizard. “It was such long day, wasn’t it? I’m so exhausted…” Ged closed his eyes. “Rest well, Roke”. When Roke noticed that his master completely fell asleep, he quietly went down from the bed. He opened the door by his tiny foot and went out to the darkness.

Roke went on and on the corridor. Although it wad dark and quiet, he could hear voices of other young sorcerers just like Ged. All of sudden, he recognized some voice and hid behind the huge vase that was placed in the corner. “Have you seen Sparrow Hawk with his pet?” One voice said. “I have. He’s got an Otak. Wonder where he’s found that thing from”. Roke moved his tiny head and saw Vetch, standing about 5m away from him, talking to his friend. Roke wrinkled his nose, as if to say that he thinks Vetch is an annoying young man. Vetch continued. “That Sparrow Hawk. He is a cheeky one. Thinks he’s got such a power”. He laughed. “When he can’t even shift one thing to the other place”. Vetch and his friends began to walk away to the school yard. Roke
Shifted his head and wrinkled his nose once again.

He kept walking. He climbed up the stairs, turned many corners then now, he was looking up the door. “Who is it?” A voice of old man echoed. Roke didn’t utter any sounds and kept sitting in front of the door. The door swung open. “Well, you again! The unexpected guest!”. The doorkeeper, who let the Roke into the school of wizards smiled down at him. Even though he sounded surprised, the little beast noticed that the old doorkeeper actually wasn’t surprised at all. The old man put his hand to Roke and he climbed up on his shoulder. The doorkeeper closed the door. There were so many books in the dusty room. There were wooden chair and a desk just like Ged’s room. The old man stood besides the window. “I’ve seen you and your young master have hanging out together a lot lately. Am I right?” Roke moved his head slightly as if to say yes. The doorkeeper grinned. “Friends are always good things, aren’t they? Even they walk different paths or different species.” The tiny beast and the old man both looked at the moon. “You have to be careful with your master, little thing.” Roke looked at the old guy. He wasn’t smiling now. “Make sure his ego won’t grow up more than that. You know what I mean. Egoism always attracts evil side of any kinds of creatures”. Roke blinked his dark huge eyes. The old guy kept looking at the moon. “Just be careful”.

Chapter seven Visible clouds

Training of Ged continued endlessly. Roke could see how his young master’s ability is improving and how he’s getting confidence in himself. Ged shows new sorcery that he learnt in his lesson while Roke was hunting a rat. “Do you see that, Roke? A professor told me he can’t believe a young man like me can even handle this sorcery! He thinks I’m one of the kind! Ged smiled excitedly at his tiny pet. Roke shoke his little fluffy tail as if to say that he is impressed. “I’m getting stronger, you see? I can feel it!” Then the light blasted from his wand and it struck a huge rock. Roke jumped up on Ged’s shoulder. Ged laughed out loud. “See that? I have to train more, Roke. I want to be stronger….more than I can imagine…”. Ged said it quietly. “It would feel so good”. His smile shone at the dark eyes of Roke.

The school hall was crowded with young sorcerers. Some were enjoying their meals, some were busy by talking to others and some were leaning on the wall to read spell books. Ged was sitting at the corner with his tiny beast and eating his dinner. Roke has noticed that his young master prefers to keep himself alone from the others. Ged looked around the hall and spotted Vetch, sitting on the table and laughing with his friends. Ged flown. Roke also noticed Vetch and looked at Ged as if to say don’t mind him. Ged stroked Roke’s fur. “I can’t stand that guy, you know. Always so arrogant. Thinks he is the best of everything”. “Hey, Sparrow Hawk!” Ged turned back and saw Vetch looking at him. “How’s your meal? Leave some for your rat!” His friends all laughed and Ged grabbed his wand. “It’s time for him to know…” Then, Roke snatched his wand by his mouth. Ged looked at him with surprise. “Roke! It’s time for him to be punished! He’s always been so annoying! Such hostility!” He tried to get back his wand, but Roke shook his tiny head. Ged stared at the dark eyes of his beast. Roke stared back at him without any hesitation. Ged signed. “All right. All right. Not today”. Roke put the wand on the table and sat besides it. Then Ged heard the voice of Vetch. “OH!!!” Everybody in the hall turned back. Vetch was soaking wet with muddy water all over him. “What on earth..!?” Ged looked at Roke. Roke stared back at him again with his dark eyes, but this time, Ged saw a remain of emerald shine deep inside of his eyes, fading away. Ged giggled. “That’s my boy”.

Chapter eight The challenge

It seems like anger and hatred towards Vetch was growing stronger and stronger within Ged. He kept making fun of Ged everytime he has a chance. Ged bitterly looked at the back of his enemy. “What an annoying guy”. His tiny pet came out of the hood of his master’s cloak. He sat on the shoulder of Ged and looked into his eyes by his dark eyes as if to say “Do not let him bother you”. Ged stroked the tiny head of Roke. “I think the right time has came, Roke. I’ve been training harder than anyone. I think I’ve reached to his level. I have a special talent. That’s everyone keeps telling me”. Roke signed quietly.

One afternoon, Ged was sitting on the rock with Roke, reading a spell book. Roke hadn’t seen his master while he was taking classes. Ged never knew where his small beast goes on his own. Once, he tried to chase, but he disappeared somehow as if to say “I need my own time”.

Ged looked up the sky which is getting darker. “Tomorrow, we’ll have the full moon.” Ged said it to himself. “The full moon…”. Roke looked up at him to see what he meant, but Ged smiled down at him. “I think I know how to challenge him”.

The student hall was crowded by many young sorcerers. Ged came into the hall and looked around. There he is. He spotted Vetch, sitting on the table and talking to his friends. Propably talking about himself. “So typical”. Ged whispered bitterly to himself. While Ged tried to find a seat for himself, Vetch quickly spotted him, as if he is always looking for him. “Sparrow Hawk!” Ged turned his head reluctantly. “What do you want, Vetch?”. Ged stopped to pretend to be nice to Vetch long time ago, but he didn’t seem like he cared. That annoyed Ged even more. “I just saw your rat chasing something today. Did you get what he got for you? A rat food?”. His friends all laughed. Ged felt huge anger within him. Roke is his only friend and a family who he knew for all his life. He’s always been beside me during the lonely time when all students talking about going home on holiday to see their families while Ged stayed at the school, because he has no family. He hasn’t even felt lonely lately, because of the nice company that Roke gives him. Ged gripped his hand very tight. He won’t let this guy insult his friend anymore. He has had enough. “Go to hell, Vetch. However, before you do so, I’ll challenge you”. Vetch grinned. “You challenge me? What do you mean by that?”. “Tomorrow night, come out to the middle garden when the moon comes out”. As saying so, Ged looked into eyes of Vetch straight without blinking. Vetch looked back at him. Few seconds later, Vetch stood up from the table. “All right, Sparrow Hawk. I shall take your challenge. What do you wish to challenge me for?”. Ged looked back at him by his dark eyes. “I will tell you tomorrow. Prepare yourself”. “What will happen when I’ll win? Or when you’ll win?”. Vetch grinned as if to enjoy what they’re talking about. “If you’ll win, you’ll keep your rights to insult me anytime you want. If I’ll win, you’ll respect me and my friend”. Ged stroked Roke’s fur. “Well, he deserved more respect than you do, anyway”. Vetch glared at him for few seconds and grinned again. “All right, Sparrow Hawk. Tomorrow”. Ged nodded. “Tomorrow”.

Chapter nine Friends

When the sun began to rise, the little beast came out of the bed and sat on the window side. It was cold and he shivered. He looked at the sky which was getting brighter every second. The sunshine shone down on the young sorcerer’s face. Roke turned his tiny head and looked at his master, Ged. He was sleeping so well. Although he was acting like a grown up man, it is clear that he is still a young boy who has so much to learn. Roke stared at him. What he had inside of his eyes were worried. Roke remembered what had happened last night. How Ged challenged Vetch and how he accepted his master’s reckless challenge. Although Ged was very talented, Roke wasn’t sure whether he is ready to compete with Vetch who has much more experience and skills or not. The sun rose even higher.

The day went slow for both Ged and Roke. It was pretty clear that Ged is not able to focus on his lessons. He blew up the huge rock with fire when he was supposed to life it up by the wand. He almost burnt a library while self study class. Roke signed. Hopeless. Ged also signed and stroked his little beast. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to take lessons today:” Roke put his tail on his shoulder as if to say “I agree”.

Ged signed heavily and sat down on the ground. He put his food on his spell book and Roke jumped down from his shoulder and lay down on the ground. It was their traditional style of lunch. Ged quickly finished his meal and lay down next to Roke. They both looked at the blue sky. They stayed like that for a while without saying or making any sounds. Then Ged opened his mouth. “I still wonder how you got into my room that night. The night we first met”. Roke looked at Ged with his huge dark eyes. Ged continued. “But I’m so glad that you came along, Roke”. He stroked his pet softly. “I know people say that you are a beast. I mean, you are, but…I only see you as my friend. Now I can’t think of spending days without you”. Ged smiled quietly. “I still remember the day that I was feeling so lonely. I don’t know my father, my mother….if I have a brother or a sister…nothing. I was just…living without life, without love, but my soul needed someone”. Ged smiled at his little beast. “Now, I don’t feel that way anymore. It’s been fun being with you. You are truly a good friend. I thank you for being so, Roke”. It looked like Roke was glad about what Ged told him. He could just tell. “Even I’ll lose tonight; I still respect you as my friend, Roke. Even that Vetch never would do so, I still would. You know that.” Ged looked into Roke’s dark eyes. Roke looked back at him. Ged smiled quietly again and looked at the sky.

Chapter ten The thunder

The day turned into the night. It was chilly and the beautiful moon came out of the dark clouds. Ged was sitting on the rock with Roke inside of his hood. Roke could see that Ged was nervous, but his arrogance as a young boy was supporting him enough to make him stay here. The little beast shivered with nervousness. Then he heard the sounds of footsteps.

“Good evening, Sparrow Hawk”. Vetch smiled at him. There were his friends around him. Ged stood up. “I thought you would come alone, Vetch or were you afraid to do so?” Vetch grinned at his friends. “I thought it’d be a good entertainment for them. You know how our lessons are…Tasteless, I’d say?” Ged glared at him. “I do not care who you’ve brought with. You are here, anyway”. “Did you think that I wasn’t coming Sparrow Hawk?” “Yes”. Vetch glared at him for few seconds and smiled again. This is what Ged disliked about him. Always pretend to be calm and superior. They stared at each other’s eyes for few seconds and Vetch opened his mouth. “So, Sparrow Hawk. How do you wish to challenge me? I rather finish it quick”. Ged, still glaring at Vetch said quietly. “I challenge you by a summoning charm”. Vetch raised his eyebrows. “A summoning charm? You say, Sparrow Hawk?”. “Yes. Have you heard of a witch called, Steph who died about 3000years ago?” A smile disappeared from Vetch’s face. “A witch Steph? The one who cursed everyone in the castle and killed herself? The cursed one? The damed one?” Ged stared back at him. “Yes, Vetch. The damned one”. “Are you mad?” One of his friend opened his mouth. “To summon such a thing? You know what’ll happen when you summon the damned one? Especially this mad witch! You can’t handle it, neither can Vetch. No one in our age can handle that! She is too dangerous and died too long ago!” Vetch looked at his friend and turned his head to Ged again. “Sparrow Hawk. I’m terribly sorry to say this, but I don’t think you can handle it. He is right. I might be able to handle it though, since I’m quite good at a summoning charm, but you are lack of experience. It’s quite reckless to challenge me and to yourself like this”. Ged stubbornly keep glaring at Vetch. “I will handle it, Vetch. I will handle it”. It looked like Vetch was hesitating, but he said it. “All right, Sparrow Hawk. I would do whatever you wish me to do. We’ll go on with a summoning charm. So shall we both summon her?”

“Yes, that’s right, Vetch. We’ll both summon her here, and do you remember what you’ll give me and my friend when I’ll win?” Vetch nodded gaily. “Yes, Sparrow Hawk. I’ll respect you and your rat”. Ged gripped his hand tight. This will end soon. All these disrespectful behavior. “After you, Sparrow Hawk.” Vetch said it and sat on the rock besides him. “You go ahead. I’ll watch how well you’ll do”. Ged nodded. “Fine, Vetch”. Ged called Roke quietly. The little beast came out from the hood and sat on Ged’s palm. He was looking at his master as if to say “Are you sure you want to do this?” Ged smiled softly at his pet. “Do not worry, Roke. I’ll do good. I have to do this as a man and as your friend. Watch me”. Ged put Roke onto the rock and stroked his fur. “Do not worry”. Then he turned back at Vetch. “All right. I’ll begin”. Vetch nodded. “Go ahead, Sparrow Hawk”.

Ged took his wand out and focused. He could do this. He could summon the witch and show Vetch how powerful he is. Things he read from the spell book came up in his mind. “It is very dangerous to summon very old creatures, especially damned ones. The spell should be treated carefully and the user must have at least 60 years of experience to handle it”. He hasn’t really tried to summon old creatures before, but he knew that his incredible talent and power would help him. He knew Vetch would not be able to do it. It was clear. However, he also knew that Vetch thinks “There is no way that Sparrow Hawk can handle it”. That is why he took the challenge from the first place. Ged looked at Vetch and whispered. “Now I’ll prove you that I’m better than you”. Then he looked at Roke again and smiled at the little beast who looked very worried. He held out his wand and begun to utter the spell. The quiet night began to turn into something different. The clouds got darker and the moon hid between them. Vetch and his friends lost their smile. Something was definitely happening. As Ged continued, it began raining. It was a cold, heavy rain. I am doing it right. Ged told himself. Then there was a sound of the thunder. Vetch and his friends looked at each other. It seemed like the storm is coming, which is a sign of a summoning charm. The sound of the thunder became louder and louder. Ged finished uttering the spell. He held out his wand even higher. “Show yourself!!!!” There was a strong wind attacking them as if to try blowing all of them. “Sparrow Hawk!! Stop it!!” A friend of Vetch shouted at Ged. “We can see that you can do it so stop!! It’s too dangerous!”. Ged ignored him. “Show yourself!!!” Everyone was soaking wet and they all looked terrified except for Roke. Ged looke at his little friend and saw a emerald light in his eyes. “No, Roke! Do not stop me! I am doing this for our dignity! You can not stop me!” Roke looked back at his young master. Ged smiled at him. “It is ok, Roke! I can do it! Just watch me!”. The emerald light disappeared from Roke’s eyes. Ged held out his wand again. “Show yourself!!”

Then everyone saw what seemed like a nightmare. There was a witch with black dirty cloak, white hair floating on the sky. Her skin was rotten and her hollowed eyes stared at them. They couldn’t move. They all shivered and stared back at her. The thunder got even louder. Vetch shouted. “Sparrow Hawk! It’s enough! Finish your spell! It’s too dangerous!” Ged stared back at the damned witch. It seemed like he could not hear them, but stares at the witch. “Sparrow Hawk! Can you hear me!?” Everyone shouted at him, but it was clear that he could not hear them. “He is damned!” A friend of Vetch said. “He is not with us anymore!”. Roke looked at his master, but he didn’t look back at him. “Sparrow Hawk!” Vetch and his friends kept shouting at him. Ged wasn’t lookin at anything anymore. His eyes were as hollowed as the witch. Then there was a loud thunder. Everyone covered their ears. They were no longer able to even hear themselves. The thunder struck the ground.

Chapter eleven Sacrifice

When they opened their eyes, the clouds were gone and the moonlight was shining down on them. No one said anything. A friend of Vetch put his hand on his forehead. It looked like he passed out and so did everyone else. It was so quiet and he looked around. Everyone was on the ground. “What had happened..?” Then he remembered. He looked for Ged. He was on the ground too, still holding the wand in his hand. “Sparrow Hawk”. He got closer to Ged and shook his body. Ged didn’t make any sounds. Was he stroke by the thunder? He thought. Then Ged opened his eyes. “Sparrow Hawk! Are you ok? Can you hear me?” Ged stared back at him with his dark eyes. “What had happened?” “I do not know. It seemed like everyone passed out. I do not know why. I thought the thunder stroke you. I though you might be dead”.

Ged couldn’t remember much at all. He looked at Vetch and his other friends, still on the ground. He remembered the dark sky, rain, the thunder and the witch. He tried to remember what had happened after he saw the witch, but couldn’t recall anything. Then something came up on his mind. “Roke?” The little beast who was sitting on the rock was nowhere to be seen. “Roke?”

Then he found his tiny beast, lying down on the ground. “Roke?” Ged touched him. His body was cold and the small smoke was coming out his tiny body. “Roke?” Then he understood what had happened. He was stroke by the thunder, but why? Then he remembered what had happened. He was looking at the witch and saw the lightening which was heading to him. He somehow saw it by slow motion, and then pushed by someone. Someone who is small….It was Roke. He stroke by the thunder to protect him. “Roke?” He held his tiny beast. He pushed his ear to Roke. He heard nothing. No warmth, no heat beating. Ged didn’t say anything. He was stunned. “Is he dead?” A friend of Vetch asked him. Ged didn’t say anything. He began to walk, Roke in his hand. “Sparrow Hawk?” Ged didn’t reply. He disappeared into the darkness.

Chapter twelve The choice

Neither Vetch nor his friends knew where Ged was. Few days passed since that night. There was no one who saw Ged or his little beast.

There were footsteps and Ged turned his head. “Hello, Sparrow Hawk” The old guy with white beard smiled at him. “You are the gatekeeper..”. Ged said it quietly. The old gatekeeper sat next to Ged. Ged was holding the little Otak. “Yes, and the principle of this school. Name is Albert”. Ged didn’t look too surprised to know that he was actually the principle of his school. Albert looked at the little Otak again. “What you did was very very dangerous. Did you know that?” Ged nodded. “Yes, sir. But I needed to do it”. Old guy grinned. “Well, I’m sure of that, but what kind of consequence are you holding in you hands?” Ged drooped his head. “I didn’t such thing would happen. I never wanted to involve him into this like this. I…” Ged mumbled. “I didn’t mean to hurt him or lose him”.

The old sorcerer put his hand on Ged’s shoulder. “Sorcerers always need to be sure whether they are ready to use certain spell or not. It is vital”. Ged nodded. “Yes, sir”. “Now, I tell you something, young man. I know a resuscitate spell”. Ged looked at him with surprise in his eyes. “Is that true, sir? Then can you revive him?” The old man smiled at him. “Yes, I can”. “Then sir!” “Wait, young man”. The old man held his hand at Ged. “Yes, of course I would do so, but there is one thing, a very important thing that you need to know”. “Yes, sir”. Ged nodded eagerly. Albert slowly spoke. “I can resuscitate him, all right? But when he’ll wake up, he wouldn’t recognize you. At all.” Ged looked confused. “What do you mean by that, sir? Why wouldn’t he remember me?” “Because it’s a very complicate spell. To bring back one’s life. They get their lives back but they lose their memories”. Ged didn’t say anything for a minute and whispered at himself. “He wouldn’t remember me…”. “No, he would not”. “Are there any other ways to revive him without losing his memory?” Albert shook his head quietly. “Not at this moment. No. But there are wizards who are still on their ways to invent the new spell. A resuscitate spell which bring back one’s life and memory at the same time, and I have to tell you, they’re making progress”. “When will they complete their process, sir?” “I do not know, young sorcerer. I do not know. No one knows”. Ged drooped his head once again. “I want him back, sir. I really do. He is my friend, but…”.

Ged recalled Roke. How they met for the first time. How they practiced magic together. How they used to lie down on the ground under the sunshine, next to each other. How they used to curl up on the bed. How they had all the fun together. Tears came out from Ged’s eyes.

“You are truly a good friend”.

He said that to Roke under the blue sky. Roke looked back at him as if to say he feels the same way.

Albert put his hand on Ged’s shoulder again. Ged didn’t even try to wipe his tears away from his cheeks. “Sir”. “Yes”. “I made my decision”.

Albert stood up. “You’ll be a great wizard, my young man. You will be”. Then he walked away. Ged looked at the bright moon.

Chapter thirteen A new beginning

It felt like he was floating. It felt good. It felt like he was wrapped around by the sunshine. He opened his eyes. He saw a face of a young boy. Dark hair. Dark eyes. He was smiling at him. He smiled back at him. He felt so peaceful. His young master and him. Two of them. Smiling at each other.

He opened his eyes. It felt like he was sleeping for a long long time. Then he heard the voice. “Roke!” He slowly got up by his feet. There was a man who was smiling down at him. Dark hair. Dark eyes. But he was so much older than his master. Roke cautiously stepped back. The man laughed. “Roke! It’s me! Ged!” Roke looked up at the man. Even though he was older than his master, he had the same eyes that have so much warmth inside. “Roke, it’s me. Ged. I have grown up. It’s been 20 years since you died”. Roke leaned his head to the one side as if to say he doesn’t understand. It seemed like he really was his mater, but why is he so much older than the last time he saw him? What does he mean by “since you died”?

Ged put Roke on his lap. “This is a long story”. Then Ged continued to explain what had happened.

How he refused to take Albert’s offer to resuscitate him. “I didn’t want you to forget what we had together, Roke”. Ged said. “My principle told me that he can resuscitate you, but you will lose your memory. We could have begun from the beginning, but it would be different”. Then he continued. How he put a spell on Roke’s body so it wouldn’t get rotten. “I kept your body inside of the little cradle. So you’ll be comfortable”. How he trained hard everyday, so he skipped few grades and graduate from the school few years early. How he joined these group of wizards who were working on inventing the new resuscitation spell. “We completed the new spell, but then for about 3years, we kept experimenting on dead animals. It was forbidden to use it until this year, and then there you are. You could revive without losing your memory with me”.

Ged cuddled Roke. There were tears in his eyes. “I trained and studies so hard, Roke. It was so difficult without you. I felt so lonely at some points, but the idea of having you back kept me going”. Roke looked up at his master with his huge dark eyes. Tears came out of Ged’s eyes. “Now, can we start over again? I’ve got so much to show you. I even have my own dragon now. We have to have a ride together”. Ged was smiling, but crying at the same time.

All these lonely days without his friend.

It seemed like tears won’t stop. Then he saw familiar emerald green shine in Roke’s eyes. Then, there were soft tiny wind around his face and wiped his tears away. Ged smiled.

“Let’s go”.

Roke jumped up on his master’s shoulder which got so much thicker than he remembered. Ged opend the door. The sky was blue. The soft sunshine shone down at them.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Gantz Fan Fic by Yi-An

Act 1 The Beginning

Korono Kei was a high school freshman, just like any other school boys, his only thought was about girls. Furthermore, Kei was always thinking about some things in his mind, but he did not like to express his own thought to other. He was a traditional Japanese male. One day, on his way home, he saw a vagrant beggar who accidentally fell from the train platform. He did not care about other people. He was actually excited because he could watch this man die. However, Kato, who was the childhood friend of Kei, immediately jumps into the rail track to help the man. When Kei saw this, he reluctantly jumped onto the track to help his friend, Kato. Shortly after they carried the man to the train platform, they saw a train coming towards them. At this moment, their minds were completely blank, what both Kei and Kato could do was dash, as fast as possible. They were hoping the train could be break off before it hit them both, whatever, it was too late.

“Where is this place? Somewhere in Japan?” said Kei and Kato. They were so amazed that they were still alive. “Look at that ball. What is that? Did someone save us? Hey, we don’t even have any injuries.” said Kei. And then Kei soon noticed that there were also some other guys there, two people squatted at the corner and another person who stood behind the black ball looked at them quite depressed. However, their eyes looked around again this place and tried to move around their legs and touch their own bodies. This was a room, and there was a big black ball looks like a 32inch television at the center of the room and there was a large window on the left side of wall. They even saw that Tokyo Tower was not too far away from here. When Kei walked close to the window, he felt an invisible wall between his hand and the window. “Oh…What’s happened? Can anyone tell me?” said Kei. On the other hand, Kato seemed much more imperturbable than Kei, and he held his breath, wondering what will happen next.

Three minutes past, there was a comatose young woman who was formed by molecules appeared in front of Kai on the ground. The woman slowly opened her eyes and crawled to Kai. “Is this heaven?” said the woman. After they had a small conversation, Kai knew that the woman is called Fomiko who killed herself by the gas. Therefore, Kato made a conclusion that they were killed by the train. When they are dead, they were transferred into here at that time. After a while, people starts to continually appeared in this room. When all of them are dead, they are suddenly ‘transported’ to this room. The numbers of people were starting to increase and the room was getting crowded. Everyone in there was anxious and they started to yell out, hoping that someone can come to rescue. They were so worried about what was going to happen to them. “What a mystery!” said a guy.

Act 2 Mission Starting

Mystery seemed to be written on the faces of all the people in the room. The fear was dug into their heart. Suddenly, there was something wrong with the black ball; music was broadcasted from the black ball. It was very loud and deafening. It was then the ball started to split down the middle. They could see a well stocked collection of weapons and special suits inside it. Furthermore, there was a 3D image that was shot outside the black orb; the ball called himself “Gantz”. Gantz is one of the secret industry from the Cosmos that aims to protect humans from the aliens. The people in the room were selected to fight the aliens and protect the humans. The Gantz was informing the status of the mission and indicating who the target was. The target was an alien from BK Star. “There are aliens on our Earth and our job is to kill them because the aliens are going to destroy the world.” explained the Gantz. The group was surprised that they were selected to do such heroic things to protect the world. They did not know what they were going to do next. But, they obeyed the commands of the Gantz and started to arm the weapons and suits as the Gantz asked. By now, the time on the monitor has started counting and everyone in the room was transported away one by one.

Darkness had already veiled the sky, only the streetlamps lighted their road. The look of fear was still clouding the face of Kei and others. Kato tried to take the role of leader and work with everyone in a group. He wanted to discuss the strategy before they meet the aliens so they could have better chances at killing them. However, there were some people that were not willing to cooperate. Therefore, they were divided into two groups, one was leaded by Kato, and the others that were not willing to fight the aliens wandered off by themselves. Unfortunately, the black ball had already installed a plan for those who leave outside the area of the place of mission. Whoever that are trying to leave the place will immediately explode because you either fight the aliens for your survival or you die for not joining the mission. No one shall leave by escaping the mission because the Gantz wants to keep this as a top secret mission. The time on the monitor was ticking fast, but they did not see any of aliens appeared in the area

“Bi~ Bi~ Bi~ Bi~”

Suddenly, there was an unexpected sound coming out from the special suits. It seemed that the suit had detected something was approaching them. The weapons were clutched tightly in their hands by Kei and Kato.

With the dim light of the streetlamps, they could see a man walking towards them from a little path of the building. He was tall and strong but his eyes did not fit his face. Kei had a creepy feeling because he could not feel any emotion from the man. His face was very blank. The alarm from their suits was getting increasingly loud, but all they see is just a man was walking. There are no aliens to be seen. Suddenly, one of Kei’s teammate could not bear the suspense anymore. He walked restlessly towards the man and accosted him with an unfriendly voice. However, the man seemed to be unable to say anything but a few words. The teammate sensed something fishy and started to push the man down the ground. When Kato saw this, he quickly ran over to help his team mate. The strange thing is the man that the team mate was spinning down had blood spurting out from the veins of his neck. However, the team mate had yet to done anything to hurt him.

The sky overhead was dark with clouds; the wind rose to a gale. A blinding flash of lightning followed at once by a tremendous crash of thunder and then the rain pours down and drenched everything. The crimson blood from the body of the man mixed with the rain was started to spread across the grounds. As if an illusion, the skin and body of the man were slowly sliding off him, along with the blood. The guts of the man now are exposed to the air as his skin had slid off. It was a strange sight. The alien-fighters stood there, unable to comprehend what had happened. It was then, the guts of the man were tearing up, and an alien crawled out of the body. It rose to a height of about two meters or bigger, dark skin and its saliva was eroded the ground where the corpse that it was standing. Its eyes are filled with hatred, staring at us. “Oh! Look. He is that alien.” said Kei. The alien yelled madly and rushed towards the group of people. At the meantime, Kei and the rest of people was struck dumb with fear. Their faces were pale as snow and large drop of sweats perched on their brow. As the group of people stood there with overwhelmed shock, the monster had jumped onto one of the person. “Bap!” his head was cut down by the alien’s slash. The roll onto the floor and the blood was rushed out like an open faucet and splashed onto Fomiko’s cloth. Kei and Fomiko watched the violent scenes unfold upon their eyes. The smell of blood made them feel weak and dizzy. Their courage and heart were not in with them anymore. They were scared.

Kato stared at Kei and Fomiko for a moment. Suddenly Kato found his voice and shouted, “Run for your life. Quick, this way!” Kei was afraid that his feet would be stiff but luckily they worked. However, he had a look at Fomiko because he was sure that she did not follow him. He saw that the alien was getting closer to her. Just then, Kei pulled the x-ray gun and zapped the alien but it sensed the ray of the gun coming towards him. The alien jumped. Although the X-ray gun looked like the toy gun, the effects and the power of the gun is unbelievable. This was the first time that Kei felt glorious by saving the lives of others. He became very brave because the powerful weapon was held in his hand. Due to the ghastly killing, there were only a few men remain. However, the alien soon recovered and smashed the ground in anger. Kei is able to pull the trigger this time without any hesitate. The alien used the dead body as a shield, and he started his killing spree.

Good times did not last long, Kei and the girl reached a blind alley and the bloody monster was getting closer and closer. When the slash of alien was coming towards them, Kato held out his right arm from the side. He tried to protect them but he did not stop the assault from the alien. He was falling straight onto the ground and start yelling. “Run away!” However, Kei appreciated the courage that Kato did for them; he felt a mingled emotion of anger, fear, despair and great bewilderment. All he wanted to do to end this was shooting. Kei quickly grabbed Fomiko’s hand and fled for their lives when he had the chance. When Kei successfully crossed the bloody alien but Fomiko’s leg was caught by the alien. And the whimper from Fomiko deep influenced the heart of Kei, finally he could not bear. Kei’s childhood memories went through his mind in the twinkling of an eye. Kei jumped on the alien’s back and madly zapped with the X-ray gun again until the alien’s breathing was within an inch of life.

Act 3 Way to Death

After the brutal attack, Kei threw away the X-ray gun as the ammo went out. He hit the monster with his own hand again and again until he had no more energy to spare. Then, his eyes turned to his friends. Fomiko lied in a puddle of blood in a lifeless condition. Kato was very weak because he was losing too much blood. Then, Kei held Kato’s shoulder with his bloody hand. At the moment, Kato smiled to Kai that he managed to survive. Kei burst into tears.

Kei: I used to hate you. Now I understand. It is all because I refused to join you. I was moved by your justice and your kind heart. Look at them, how miserable they are. We are losing so much here.

Kato: You need to face the reality.

Kei: It’s not about facing the reality. It is whether others understand our situation. It’s not that I am not facing the reality, but….

Kato: Things happen, but we can not always cope.

Kei: If I can go back to the past, I want to start my life anew. Oh, I understand maybe this is not so easy.

Kato: Kei, I am dying…never despair…trust yourself…

Kato looked at Kei with one last effort and closed his eyes. However, Kei was alone now, but he was encouraged by Kato and had obtained new courage and the will to live. Suddenly, he heard a familiar sound inside his brain.

“Bju ~Bju ~Bu ~Bu~” (sounds of the alarm) Kai woke up and found that the sun was up and sending its warmth into his room. “Ah…It has all end. I was glad that it was but a nightmare.” said Kai. However, he had leant that life is a passage, bad thing is that it is only a one way trip, but good thing is that there’s no need to return. The future is full of hope.

Fan Fiction "Elfen Lied" By Victor Chen

Act 1

Her name is Lucy, unlike the rest of us, she was created in lab, designed to be the ultimate biological weapon. Her psychic powers allow her to move objects with her mind. She knows very little, like a child, she doesn’t have her own free will because of the helmet on her head. This helmet is installed with an artificial intelligence that commands her every move. She is just a weapon of war.

She is growing, the personality inside her is trapped by the helmet, she wants to be free, and eventually her desire to be her own master became strong enough to free her mind from the shackles of the artificial intelligence. For the first time, she moves on her own free will. The guards are surprised, but before they could react, Lucy instantly rips their limbs off without even moving a muscle. The entire research facility is shut down and guards rush to stop her. Armed with machine guns, a dozen guards unload their rounds on this girl, none of them hits her. Instead, she effortlessly returns the bullets in the direction they came. The guards were all instantly killed. Filled with joy, she begins to run away from the facility, her creator Kurama fires a sniper rifle aimed at the back of her head. Having let her guard down, the bullet pierces through the helmet and wounds her head. She falls into the ocean unconscious.

Yuka waits for her childhood friend Kouta at Gokurakuji station. Yuka spots Kouta from a distance as he is making his way to the ocean. Both of them head down to the beach to reminisce the time they shared together when they were here. Yuka interrupts his thought and points out to the open ocean. It seems that the waves had carried a girl’s body to the beach. It’s Lucy. Lucy does not seem as menacing as she escaped from the facility. However, she quickly darts in the opposite direction and start crying when Kouta and Yuka are trying to approach her. Lucy has losses her memories, She becomes a childlike girl who can not say any other word, except for “Nyu”. Therefore, Kouta and Yuka decided to call her ‘Nyuu” because that is all she says.

Meanwhile, the facility and the government, everyone is trying to figure out how they could let a vicious, dangerous weapon escape. The chief Kurama organize a special team to catch Lucy. Kurama also sent her daughter “Nana” out to hunt Lucy. “Nana” is an ultimate weapon as well; she also got the same ability as Lucy and is even stronger then Lucy. The team have arrived Gokurakuji and has conduct a search mission to recapture her.


While the team is heading to Gokurakuji, the chief Kurama also organizes another special assault team lead by Bando to catch Lucy as well. Bando is an extremely arrogant sniper who loves to hunt human prey. When he joined this mission he is very pleased because he can hunt and kill Lucy without any reason. Meanwhile, Kouta, Yuka and Nyuu went back to the Kaede House, where Kouta will be living while attending college.

Inside the house, there is a broken grandfather clock standing next to the front door. However, Nyuu seems to be in distressed when she arrives and start to run around the house frantically. When Kouta and Yuka cannot understand why she is upset, she sits down and pees on the floor. This has really annoyed Kouta because he has to clean up the floor while Yuka is giving Nyuu a bath.

After they finished their dinner, Kouta pulls out a sea shell that his sister gave to him. Kouta explains to Nyuu that he received this sea shell, not long after his sister got sick and died. Suddenly Nyuu snatches the shell away from Kouta and then breaks the shell into half. He immediately lashes out at Nyuu’s action and asks her to leave. Yuka approaches Kouta and tries to calm him, but Nyuu quickly runs out from the house. Few minutes passed, Yuka explains the reason that Nyuu broke the sea shell is because she notices that it makes Kouta sad and unhappy.

Nyuu runs far away from the house and decides to head to the beach. She finds a cave and sits in there and starts to cry. At the same time, Kouta looks at the broken half of the sea shell and tries to recall the details that had just happened to him. He starts to worry about Nyuu but the sound of a knuckle rapping onto the door interrupts his thoughts. Few men come into the house and ask Kouta for a missing person and they show him a photo. The photo has surprises Kouta because the face of Nyuu stares back at him. He denies the claim of seeing her and these men leave soon without saying anything. Kouta tells his encounter of the approach of a few strange men that came to look for Nyuu to Yuka soon after the men left. They began to worry for Nyuu’s safety and quickly grab an umbrella and starts to look for her.
Meanwhile, Bando and his team have arrived Gokurakuji. They are looking for Lucy in the beach line. At this stage, Kouta also went to the beach and he saw Nyuu hiding in the cave to cry. He tries to comfort her and apologizes for what he had done earlier. He expresses that he wants to take her back home. Just as they are walking out from the cave, Bando appears in front of them. Bando hits Kouta and kicks in his face. Kouta falls down and fainted. Bando proceeds to arrest Nyuu and to bring her to a one-off area.


Bando is very surprised when he saw Lucy. This is because Lucy is not as dangerous as what the reports wrote. Lucy seems harmless and did not try to defend herself. Bando was upset at this stage; he does not have any more interest in Lucy. He asked one of the team men to load up the gun and shoot her. While the man is pulling the trigger on his gun, he feels that there is a hand touching his arm. He felt that the hand is cold and his arm was torn off within three seconds. The personality of Nyuu has transformed to Lucy. She becomes violent and aggressive. Bando is shocked by her transformation and he quickly pulls his gun and fires away. He tries to open fire and shoots Lucy. But, she has blocks all the bullets and starts to walk slowly towards to Bando like a zombie.

Lucy has finally shows her secret weapon. She has a set of extra physical hands that appears when she needs it. She starts to throw large objects violently at him. Bando tries to shoot down some before she can do much damage. At one point, Bando laughs to himself because this is so unexpected. Nyuu has completely becomes a different person compared to a few seconds before. He thought he has the upper hand in the situation and now he is finding it increasingly hard to defeat Lucy. She has amputates his left arm and uses her super power arm to drive Bando’s finger into his left eye socket. Bando’s body is full of blood, he lies on the ground but he never stops shooting Lucy. Meanwhile, he sees a car near where he lies and is trying to crawl towards it. He musters every ounce of energy he has and tries to grab onto the car. Just as he tries to escape, Lucy grasps onto her own hand and starts to yell uncontrollably. Her extra physical hands had disappeared and she returns to the personality of Nyuu again.

Yuka found Kouta lying unconscious on the beach and she quickly calls an ambulance to take him to the hospital. As Kouta recovers in the hospital, two policemen enter and ask him what happen to him yesterday night. He explains he saw a few soldiers with guns that is trying to rob Nyuu and they attacked him. Unfortunately, the policemen do not believe him. After some interrogaration, the police left the room. Kouta is also preparing to go home as well.

When Kouta arrives home later that night, Nyuu is waiting outside the door. She gives him a special gift, a sea shell. He hugs her and happily accepts. Meanwhile, Yuka notices that there are some bloodstains on her cloth. Yuka starts to worry about what has happen by the beach yesterday night but she did not say anything. She just simply asks Kouta to bring Nyuu back to the house and get her some new dry cloth for her.

Nana, the other ultimate biological weapon was chained on the wall since she was born. The only happiness for her is to greet her father - chief Kurama. Nana is now clean up and dressed. She is now ready to go on her mission.

Act 4

A few days pass by; everything has return to normal in Gokurakuji. It is just another wonderful, sunny day. Kouta is tidying up their room while Yuka is making breakfast for everyone. Nyuu wants to help him but she is not very helpful at all, she seems to make the room messier than it was before in the process of helping. Kouta has decided to ask her to go out and play outside while he is cleaning the room. Nyuu leaves the room with a pout and heads toward the door slowly.

After a while, Yuka goes to the room and asks Kouta where Nyuu is. Kouta explains that he asked Nyuu to go out because he was annoyed her. However, Kouta has started to feel worry about Nyuu so he tells Yuka to stay home while he is going to check on her. On the other hand, Nyuu walks to a nearby park and sits on the swing by herself. She hears there are footsteps approaching the park. Nana walks up to Nyuu and confronts Lucy on the swing. She explains that Lucy has to go home with her. Nana’s father - chief Kurama is waiting for you, the robot tells Lucy. Nyuu was afraid, she tries to run away but Nana extends her extra invisible hands and starts to attack and capture her. Nana attacks Nyuu by first grabbing onto Nyuu’s neck with her vector. It is then, Nyuu’s has switched her personality. She is now Lucy again. Lucy tosses Nana into the stone pillar but Nana still does not loose her grip from Lucy’s neck. Lucy tries to make use of her extra hands to capture Nana but she soon realizes that she cannot reach her. Nana’s vectors are longer than hers. Nana asks Lucy with an expressionless tone for her to come home as she lies helpless in her grasp. Lucy rejects her request and meant this by throwing a several stone pillars to her direction. Nana blocks these attacks off and hides behind the trees for safety. Lucy quickly appears in front of Nana and wanted to try to use her vectors to pierce through Nana’s body. It is the exact moment she realizes that she cannot move her vectors. Nana’s vectors are holding onto all of Lucy’s vector. Nana, with one remaining vector, pounds the weapon onto Lucy’s stomach and slams her to the ground.

Kouta who had headed out earlier to look for Nyuu hears a loud crash from the park. He quickly runs over there and he sees Nyuu lying on the ground and a girl is slowly approaching Nyuu. He runs closer to see what happened but Lucy uses her vector to throw him far away from their fight. Lucy is trying to protect him. Nana takes advantage of the distraction and uses her vectors to pierce Lucy’s body. Lucy also manage to defend herself by slicing off Nana’s leg and the fingers of her hand. They are now both helpless. Lucy and Nana lies in a pool of blood, unable to move and on the verge of dying. While Lucy lies on the ground, she indistinctly saw chief Kurama brings an armed force. They took their body back to the lab.

Late in the night, Kouta finally wakes up in the hospital. . He only sees Yuka is there to take care of him. He remembers that Nyuu was fighting with a girl in the park. He is worried about Nyuu and runs quickly to the park. However, he sees nothing wrong in the park when he reached there. There are no broken stone pillars and there are no indications of struggle or fights had happened there.

Nyuu has disappeared for many days. The residents of the Kaede house spend a somber day reminiscing about the girl that brought so much laughter. Kouta is holding a sea shell that Nyuu gave him. Yuka sets out an extra bowl at the table, although no one expects Nyuu. Outside, there is a click of sound on the door knob; Kouta walks outside to check if they have an unexpected guest. The broken grandfather clock begins to work again and Nyuu stands by the door.

Kouta ran out and embraced the girl with a big hug. He yelled out to Yuka and asked her to come out and welcome Nyuu back. They are both overjoyed to see Nyuu to return unharmed. All their faces shone with happy tears as they walk back to the dining room; the empty bowl set on the table found it owner once more.

American McGee's Alice Fan Fiction by Rex

Several years after the adventure of Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, Alice's family was killed in a fire accident as she was the only survivor. She was soon arrested by the police as they suspects Alice is the prime suspect of the incident. The police starting to interrogate her intensely for several hours shortly after the arrest, but she remained silent throughout the interrogation. Unfortunately, the detective who is in charge with the investigation, Edward Atlas, find it difficult to believe her non involvement in the accident. Furthermore, he have discovered that Alice takes drugs for her long suffering schizophrenia; she also attempts to suicide during her time in the police cell room by cutting her own wrist with a piece of sharp metal she stole from a cellmate earlier. Therefore Atlas has no other choice but to hospitalise Alice in Rutledge asylum.

For five months in the Rutledge asylum, Alice has been treated in ways that can only be described as horrifying; she gets her electric shock treatment every morning for two hours, followed by six hours of solitary locked down completely with her hands tied up and blind folded to prevent her from trying to kill herself again.

What's even worse is that the staffs in Rutledge asylum as well as the police have listed Alice as an extremely dangerous person as she is mentally and emotionally unstable, not only she attempts to kill herself, but also kill anyone who is in contact with her. As for Alice herself, she is no longer the little charming and naive girl people previously known, her heart is now completely filled with vengeances and hatreds towards the people who put her in this place. Moreover, she is now quick with knife plus all too eager spread destruction as well as slays those who get in her way. But Alice's first concern is to get out of Rutledge asylum alive!

Luckily for her, one of the security guard in the asylum called Thomas Spycer is obsessed with Alice's physical appearance, and he is prepared to do anything to have sex with her. Meanwhile, Alice is fully aware of Spycer's obsession towards her. In the following night, she seduced Spycer after he escorted Alice back to her cell room, with Spycer half-naked and his security equipments (including the stun gun) put aside, Alice strangled Spycer to death with her handcuff while he's off guard. She slowly but carefully pushes the body off the bed, she then reaches for the key chain Spycer putted on the table beside the bed earlier and then unlocked herself from the handcuff and head out the cell room. It is now twelve o'clock in midnight, the corridor is pitch black, with the darkness covering Alice's movement, she arrives at the end of the corridor. Alice uses the key obtained from Spycer to unlock the door in front of her, which reveals a kitchen.

The kitchen is filled with insects crawling around on leftovers, a strong smell of rotten food in the air as well as raw meats scattered all over the table with blood dripping from the meats. But something has caught Alice's attention, it is a very large kitchen knife covered in blood, placed in the centre of the kitchen table. She move towards the table and pick up her first "weapon", she then hears a familiar voice from behind.

Chapter I: Welcome to Wonderland
‘Your knife is necessary but not sufficient, always collect what's useful, reject only your ignorance, and you may survive!”
Alice immediately turns around, she sees her old "companion", the Cheshire Cat, sitting on the kitchen oven, with a grin on its face.
“You've gone quite mangy, cat, but your grins are comfort.” said Alice.
“And you've picked up a bit of an attitude, still curious and willing to learn, I hope; I see you've been living quite a fascinating life in this place, enjoying your stay in Rutledge asylum?” the Cat said.
“You won't be pleased if you see how they are treating me here everyday. Alright, enough about this place, are you here to guide me to safety?” Alice asked.
“Unfortunately I am no tour guide my dear, especially in Rutledge asylum. However I do have a message from your old friend White Rabbit, as he would like you to return to Wonderland, and let me also remind you that you do need to make up your mind quickly as you don't have a lot of time.” the Cat replied with a grin on the face.
“I don't have a lot of time?” said Alice with curiosity.

Suddenly the alarms in the asylum sounded. “Attention! We have an inmate on the run! Prisoner number 658300, white female, considered extremely dangerous! Use of deadly force is authorised!”

Alice can hear foot steps running outside the kitchen.

“Oh dear, that doesn't sound too pleasant. Alice, if you decided to return to Wonderland, just head through the black door on your left. But if you choose otherwise, well then, I hope you enjoy the food they provide here in Rutledge asylum.” the Cat smiled, and then disappears.

With the sound of foot steps outside of the kitchen getting closer, Alice got no other choice but to enter the black door. She quickly approaches and opens the black door, but unable to see anything as red fogs inside the black door prevent her from seeing any further, she then closes the door without second thoughts. However, as soon as Alice closes the door, she is beginning to feel really painful with her whole body, almost like being shot by a thousand nails from a nail gun.

“Ahhhhhhhh!!! This pain is excruciating!!!! Make it stop!!!!” Alice cried out.

She eventually passed out due to the extreme pain.......

After a while, Alice slowly wakes up and begins to gain her consciousness. She looks around, and realised she is now in Wonderland. Only this time Wonderland is completely different compares to her previous visit. It is a very dangerous place now, the sky is covered by crimson clouds, rivers and lakes are filled with blood, human and animals nailed on crosses upside down with skin partly ripped off and organs clearly visible, ‘man’ with mechanic arms and little girl's legs walking around the lakes. Although Wonderland appears to be hazardous, it's nothing compared to Alice.

“Please don't dawdle, Alice, we are very late indeed!” the White Rabbit said.
“Don't I know you?” Alice asked.
“You've certainly have taking your sweet time to get to Wonderland.” the White Rabbit said.
“I beg your pardon? What do you mean? I have reasons to.......”
“Forget reasons, they're useless in Wonderland, Caterpillar is waiting!” the White Rabbit replied.
“I remember him well. Thin-skinned, ill-tempered, smokes too much, disagreeable smell! Why do I need him?” said Alice, with an unpleasant look on her face.
“No one is wiser in Wonderland, only he knows what you must do to save us and Wonderland. Caterpillar is not far away from where we are. Now follow closely, the way is treacherous and we have so little time to get there.” said The White Rabbit.

Chapter II: Caterpillar's Advice
Alice and The White Rabbit both eventually arrived in front of a rather huge but aged looking wooden hut surrounded by colourful mushrooms. Numerous bizarre creatures are running around and feeding on each other flesh in the garden besides the hut. The front door of the hut somehow resembles a very large mouth and a human tongue as doorknob.

“Here we are, Alice. Caterpillar is inside the hut and waiting for you. Go on Alice, I will wait for you outside.” the White Rabbit said.

Alice slowly walks up to the front door. As she doesn't know what to expect, she grasp her kitchen knife firmly, then knock on the door. The odd looking mouth door opens up immediately after she knocked the door. A disturbing image reveals in front of Alice as the whole hut has been decorated by human brains and suffering faces from top to bottom, the walls are painted in crimson red with strange black liquid dripping from the ceiling. Alice is obviously quite surprised by how things look around in this hut, but she tried to remain calm. She cautiously strolls towards the stairway besides her, and begins to ascend to the second floor. Along the way, Alice notices one particular wall in the hut is packed with paintings, the series paintings seem to represent the life cycle of an unknown female. Starting with her birth, then to childhood, teenage period, adulthood and finally her death. But Alice somehow finds the last painting, the way how the female died, particularly gruesome. Inside the painting, it presents a naked mature woman being tied on an upside down cross, with various rather bizarre looking machineries assembled into her body. The face of the woman disclose that she's in incredible pain as well as fear. Despite the terrifying fate of the unknown female in the paintings hanging on the wall, Alice continues to stride to the end of the stairway. On the second floor, she sees two black doors, one on her right and another on her left. But sees smokes coming out of the black door on her left.

“How queer it seems,” Alice said to herself, “smokes coming out of a room.”
“Oh! Not that disagreeable smell again,” thought Alice, “that old foolish worm must be smoking again!”

She approaches the left black door and opens it without hesitation.

“Ah.....! Alice my dear, you've returned!” said the Caterpillar.

Alice sees the Caterpillar sitting on a relatively large mushroom with a human face on it, smoking and relaxing. The odd looking mushroom welcomed her with a sinister smile on its face. The entire room is like a mini forest, as the floor is covered with fresh grass, tiny waterfall along with river running through and flowers as well as trees grown abundantly in the room.

“But Rabbit never told me why, and now I'm really confused” Alice replied.
“Why? Wonderland is severely damaged. You must set things right, that's why.” the Caterpillar said.
“I barely recognize this dreadful place! What is it to me?” Alice asked.
“It's home, Alice. Having lost what you've love, you almost wipe us out. Then you've started to rebuild. Your task however, and your pain are not over yet.” said the Caterpillar.
“Why must I suffer?” Alice hastily asked.
“Because your mind is fouled by self-deception, Alice. Even your fantasies have fragmented into tortured visions of themselves. Alice my dear, you are haunted by guilt because you've survived the grave fire. And you feared the prospect of a life alone.” the Caterpillar answered.
“What do you think I must do?” Alice asked.
“Destroy the Queen of Heart. Therefore Wonderland and your world will become whole once more. But before you can destroy the Queen, you'll need to travel to Hatter's mansion to obtain the Dead Time Watch, and then you will need to nibble from the Cake of Life in his medical lab to gain the strength to fight the Queen. Take great care Alice. The vicious Hatter is no longer the one you're previously known, and he jealously rules over what you required. There is a portal outside the hut that will take you straight to Hatter's mansion whenever you're ready. I need to rest now. Go and embrace the truth, Alice.” said the Caterpillar, then turned away.
“I will not fail again this time; I also really appreciate the advice from you.” Alice thanked the Caterpillar politely, and then heads out the room.

Back in the outside, Alice can see a huge glowing portal in front of her. However she also discovered that the White Rabbit is nowhere in sight, and notice a trail of blood on the ground. She immediately fears for the worst for White Rabbit. But Alice understands that there is no time to search for the missing friend now and can only pray for the poor creature's safety. She heads into the portal.

Chapter III: Hatter's Medical Lab
Alice is now fully in Hatter's realm. She realised she is now standing in Wonderland's most infamous madman's mansion lobby. The whole mansion is like one giant crazy clock tower, with countless clockworks as well as machine parts operating inside the mansion. There are also limitless pocket watches floating in the air around the lobby with several clocks made from human as well as animal organs hanging on walls. Nearly every inch of the mansion is somehow covered in blood and the air is filled with the smell of operating machineries plus rotten fleshes.

Alice begins to investigate her surrounding for clues that could lead her to Hatter's medical lab. Meanwhile, a strange boy-like creature with an enormous clock fitted in the centre of its body, and a crystal ball bounded to its back, gradually moving towards to Alice.

“Our land is destroyed, and our spirit crushed” the creature said.
“Reminds me of asylum. Is there no joy in Wonderland anymore?” Alice said.
“Suffering and happiness do not dwell in the same house,” the creature said; “The Queen's agents are ruthless, only death can release all of us from this misery.”
“Or her death I suppose?” said Alice. “Any idea where about is Hatter's medical lab?”
“You are indeed a brave individual, but bravery is useless in Wonderland.” the creature said; “If you're so insist to see our master's medical lab, then I will show you the way. Follow me.”

Alice followed the creature to a stairway that leads to the lower level of the mansion. She hears screaming and shouting from the basement.

"This is where our master makes his medicines and performs his surgeries." the creature said. “You may find what you're looking for in the basement.” Then it took off.

Alice descends down the stairs, and finds herself standing in a long dark corridor. There are cell rooms on both side of the corridor, and each cell rooms contain numerous failed experiments from Hatter. Ranging from "human clock" to "male, female human and animal combined machineries". Alice ignored all of the cell rooms besides her and head straight into the room at the very end of the corridor with a sign says "Torture Room".

Once Alice is inside, she recognised two familiar creatures. One hanging above a well, the other tied up on metal bed with a giant chainsaw hanging above it.

“Wake up Doormy! Someone is here!” said the March Hare.
“It's just a human, probably useless.” The Doormouse replied in a worn-out voice.

The March Hare is no longer enjoying the Mad Tea Party at the Hatter's mansion. Along with the Doormouse, the Hare has fallen victim to the Hatter's insane machinations with clockwork. On the other hand, like the March Hare, the Doormouse has literally become a lab rat in the Hatter's medical lab. Still prone to dozing off, the Doormouse seems barely aware of his condition, or of the fact that he is no longer enjoying tea with friends.

“Were you two impolite the tea table? Did you slurp your tea? Or chewing while talking? Confess your crime!” said Alice.
“We've done nothing of those kinds. It's the Hatter, and he has gone quite mad!” said the March Hare.
“Oh I beg your pardon! You two are in real danger!” said Alice.
“Real danger? Are we? Really?” the Doormouse said.
“Please Alice; you must release us from this painful misery! Go up to the dining room, the Hatter will be in the dining room preparing for his tea party at six. Sharp as clockwork!” said the March Hare. “You must kill him in order to free us!”
“Hmmm, perhaps six could come early today.” said Alice
“Or you could give us tea if you prefer, I suppose my welcome has worn out in his tea party. And his medicine makes me tired.” said the Doormouse in a sleepy voice.
“I will go and deal with your cruel host. Teach him a lesson of manner” said Alice “You two just hanging there, this won't take long.” Alice left the room, and discovered the Cheshire Cat is sitting outside the room, grinning at Alice.

“Now that you've know the time of the tea party, your only concern would be acquiring the two items you've came for. Although he has two I understand he's quite fond of them both. And I doubt time will change his mind. Speaking of which, where is the Hatter?” the Cheshire Cat said, grin, then vanish.

Chapter IV: Party of Madness
Alice arrives at the dining room precisely at six. Hatter is already inside the dining room preparing for his tea party. Both of them looked at each other in silence for sometimes. At last the Hatter sits down and offers Alice a cup of tea.

“Please sit, Alice. Care for a cup of tea?” the Hatter said.
“You know why I'm here.” Alice said, ignored the tea offered by the Hatter.
“I do apologize for the way things look around here. But you need to forgive an old man's obsession for what he loves.” said The Hatter, with a creepy smile.
“I need the Dead Time Watch as well as the Cake of Life now!” Alice stood up and said, very gravely. “I don't have time to waste on you!”
“Don't you know that asking politely is virtue Alice? If you really want them, you'll need to take them from me. But the question is, do you have what it takes?” the Hatter said and laughed.

Alice begins to felt really irritated as the conversation leads to nowhere. She picks up the tea cup with hot tea in it and throws it to the Hatter.

“Ahhhhh! You impolite little beast! You've just trashed my tea party! And you'll going to regret that! I'm going to teach you how to behave yourself!” the Hatter shouts, and then pulls out his staff, begin charging towards Alice. But the aged man is no match for her as she jumps on to the tea table and kicks the Hatter in the face. When the Hatter falls, Alice stands on him, stabs the poor man in the eye numerous time with her kitchen knife.

“Now tell me! Where are the Watch and the Cake?” Alice yelled.
The Hatter said nothing, moaning in pain.
“I suppose you won't tell me then. No matter, I will make you talk.” Alice said, then cut off one of Hatter's ear.
“Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” the Hatter screamed in pain. “Here! Here! This key will opens the safe behind the clock at the end of the dining room; inside you will find what you're looking for. Now leave me alone!!” said the Hatter, in great pain.
Alice grabbed the key, heads to the clock, push it aside and then she opens the safe with the key. The Dead Time Watch along with a piece of cake are inside the safe, she picks up the cake, chews it and swallows it, she then takes the Watch.

“This unique watch stops time.... for a time. Unlike death, time moves on, and those who stood still with time moves on also. Unless they're dead.” the Cheshire Cat said, and disappears.

“Now you've got what you came for, leave me alone now! If you want to see the Queen, head through the portal in my back yard.” said the Hatter, looking frightened.

Alice drags the half dead old man along with a large clock to front of a large process machine, then feeds Hatter as well as the large clock into the machine. She then heads to portal in the mansion's backyard.

Chapter V: Heart of Darkness
Alice is now deep into the Queen's territory, and she is prepared to make her final assault to the Queen, with the aid of the Dead Time Watch and her trust kitchen knife that never failed her once in the past. Alice begins to walk forward and approach the Queen's Throne. The Queen reveals her true identity by taking off the mask on her face.

“Who am I?” Alice asked the Queen.
“Off with her head!” The Queen said.
“No way! How could this be?” Alice said, and shocked by the Queen's true identity.

The Queen looks exactly the same as Alice. Alice felt like she is looking at herself from a mirror.

“I rule the Wonderland alone! Your foolish interference will not be tolerated! This realm is for grown-up. Self-pity dreamers are not wanted here! They simply cannot survive here!” the Queen said; “You feared the truth, and you lived in shadows. Your pathetic attempt to reclaim your sanity has failed!”
“That the best you can do? Hurl second-rate insults at me?” said Alice.
“Your family died because of you! They were expecting you to come to them weren't they? Perhaps they thought you might warn them the danger real close to the source as you were. But they waited in vain, didn't they? And died for their trouble.” The Queen said.
“We were all asleep! It was an accident! I......” Alice begins to wail.
“You selfish, misbegotten and unnatural child! You smelled the smoke but you were in dreamland, taking tea with your friends. You couldn't even be bothered to get up and warn them while your family was roasted in the inferno!” said the Queen.
“No!!! Please stop!!” Alice begged the Queen in tears.
“Retreat back to where you came from, or risk inevitable annihilation! Alice! I am part of you, and you are part of me too! If you destroy me, you'll destroy yourself!” the Queen said. “Leave now, and some hollow parts of you may survive. But if you stay, I will break your soul and your mind! And you will lose yourself FOREVER!”
“Noooooooooo!!!!” Alice cried out......

"Where am I?" Alice said to herself.

Alice slowly sits up and begins to look around, realised that she sitting in her cell room back in Rutledge asylum. But something is not right about this place. She walks out of her cell room and finds out that the floor is covered in blood as well as Alice herself as every single living being has been murdered by Alice, but she seems completely unaware and couldn't remember anything. Alice picks up a pistol from one of the dead security guards and head into the asylum's staff bathroom, trying to wash the blood off herself.

“You will lose yourself FOREVER!” The Queen's voice still lingers around Alice.

She looked herself into the mirror. “You selfish, misbegotten and unnatural child! Your family died because of you!” the Queen said to Alice, from the other side of the mirror. “Your heart is filled with darkness!”

Alice gradually walks to the window besides her, take one last look at the beautiful sky; she hold up and pointed the pistol to her forehead, smiled with tears in her eyes, then closes her eyes.

“Mother, I miss you so much!” Alice thought to herself.

She then gently squeezes the trigger.............